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Fanfiction Vote Results// Earthquake near my house// (foam) Season 3!

Fanfiction Vote Results

Here is the results:





The next two chapters (its a two chapter arc) will be about Sokka and Katara and... well... the rest is spoilers. It will be up tommorow.


While playing Half Life 2 on my computer, I suddenly felt the entire house convulse. It was an earthquake, a relitively common occurance in Oregon, especially near an active volcano (Mt. St. Helen's). I am unharmed and nothing was broken, but it was mildly frightening due to its suddenness.

(Foam!) Season 3!

Avatar: The Last Airbender - Book 3: Fire, Volume 1 box art


Oh man. Too good to be true. Here is the article that spawned all this AWS madness (this is madness! For more madness, don't click here):

-Sgt. Hydra


Oh, and I doubt anyone saw them, here is the original pilot episodes of avatar. Not the boy in the iceburg. Never before seen, except if you bought the complete season 1 DVD...

Part 1:

Part 2:

And if you like Monty Python...

Parrot Sketch:

Argument Club:

Self Defense Against Fresh Fruit:

The Spanish Inquistion:

Ministry of Silly Walks:

And if you like random, here you go: "Its a series of tubes!" "Lets do this... LEEEROY JENKINS!" Love therandom songat 5:08.