SgtHydra / Member

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Oh noez! Moar "4 da Lulz!"

That's right! My devious plot to get to lvl 7 is almost complete! (evil laugh)

Not as bad as the title makes it sound(Massive lalz at the end that almost suffocated me)

GI-Joe PSA 17

buttoo bad your arse got saaacked

Now for the proffesional lalz makers (language warning):

Chad Vader does Chocolate Rain!

Napster Bad!

On a personal note:

Check out this guy's accent. He's my teacher. (I may or may not be in the video).

Honestly, don't ask about the context of that video... just laugh at his accent...

hehe... "evedence" "Michael... why do you say such thing?" "Keeenneedee wasn't killed by Oswald. He is actually still alive, and plotted 911." (he actually said those things)

Turn your sound down for the next one (Language warning and fire alarm warning):

More stupid people from my school (no chance of me in this one


Now for the climax!

Here's to two years of retarded internets movies!

That's it for "4 Da Lulz." (or at leastuntil I find a **** load of hilarious videos to show you guys)
