Hmmmm... a place to vent some steam... nice... very nice...
Hello my friends, and welcome to my blog. If you are reading this, you really need to do something else. I'm boring, just an average joe. Hmmm... ur still here? Go run outside, play with your dog, talk to ur kids. Life is too meaningful to be wasted here, reading the opinions of some ranting nobody. trust me, I'm uninteresting. If it is night, like it always is here in depressing portland, then sit down and read a book, friend.
Well my friends, I tried to be modest and truthful, but I came back from this rant angrier than when I began. So that is how bloggers can type their keys so effortlessly, forming words of anger and disgust and well placed outrage over threats to our free nation, real and imagined. I am a philshophical being, here to ask the big questions and make lots of spelling errors in the process. I hope that my bog will become more relevant to recent times and issues and purposes, but practice never makes perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. good night and good bye my dear and trusted friends.