I thought FF12 was one of the best RPGs I'd ever played and in my top 10 of best ever. What I'd like to see from future FFs is... hold on to yer sword, a first person shooter/rpg much like Fallout or Skyrim. Why not? They haven't explored this option yet to my knowledge and I think it'd be a safe bet that it would a far more stable game then anything Bethesda is capable of. Curse you Bethesda! Sure, give us the 3rd person option for traditionalists but hey, why not give it a try? I think Square Enix could put Skyrim down if they really wanted to. While FF7, 8, and 12 are my absolute favorites they never got personal with the player, that is, a customized hero that is 'you' instead of another feminine hero. No offense ladies, my mom is a girl ;) Eh, food for thought.
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