Fallout 3 looks slightly better on the 360... but I'm surprised the color/vibrancy of all the other games on the PS3 version looks noticeably better. COD:WAW looks pretty much the same on both though.
Actually the PS3 is putting out more heavy hitters than the Wii at the moment. And currently, the only thing that the 360 does better to me IS it's online service. Althought the web browser and support for wireless keyboards & mouse on the PS3 is decidedly cooler. All in all, the PS3 is still looking like the best console to own for this year although I have games I want on all 3 consoles.
And this is how we know that Gamespot is biased.... they are the only site that didn't report on the bad publicity of the 360 and it's horrible launch but constantly try to put a negative spin on the PS3's public perception. This is an effort from a site of fanboys to try & thwart the positive momentum that has begun to build for the PS3. It's also interesting that Gamespot chose not to write on the other features coming to Home AND the fact that you will not have to launch it in order to access all of the options that Home gives you... they will all be available from the XMB. Thankfully, there are a lot more people impressed with the PS3 than the xdrones that run this site.
Sgt_Hale's comments