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Sgt_P3pper Blog

I hate Bungie was much!!!

Me and my 3 friends last night tried to get the 'Vidmaster: Endure' achievement on Halo 3: ODST. With the dawn of the second hours, we were completing our final wave (Set 4, round 3, wave 5) and were moving on to the bonus round when surprise surprise, one of my friend lagged out. 2 hours wasted. I am sick of american developers just giving a S*** about americans, there are another 6 billion of us here, why don't you just pull your heads out of your asses, realize that you aren't the centre of the world, and make a game where everyone can have a good f***ing green connect you american T**TS.


YAYz...... I finally called in my first Legit Tactical Nuke. Twas awesome... got a 27 kill streak then BOOM!!! So happy now. Time to dry and get another one.

Be a HERO!

Thankfully, Red Cross, other organisations and countries are helping the victims of the Haiti Earthquake Disaster, but we gamers can still help. Bungie - God bless them - are giving all proceeds from good bought from their store to the American Red Cross to help with the disaster, and on the 20th and 21st, anyone who plays Halo 3 or Halo ODST and dons a certain elblem will be helping. For every 1000 people who do this, Bungie will donate $100, up to a maximum of $77,000.

Bungie are calling this their 'BE A HERO' campaign, and is simlier to their 'Fight the flood' campaign in 2007 after Hurricane Katerina.For more information visit or Lets help out these people - I've already ordered a shirt - They are now saying the deathtoll to reach 200,000, over half the countries population.

- Be a Hero

Mass Effect news

YaY!!!! Bioware announce that all DLC's launched around the same time as Mass Effect II will be free.. that's epic. Go Bioware. ME2 for GoTY.

- Victoria in vita

Mass Effect

Loved the first mass effect, twas a great game for 2007, maybe even one of the best. So since 2007, i have, just like many other people have been looking forward for Mass Effect II. After seeing all the new gameplay videos, trailers and reading every preview and piece of news about it that a could get my scrawny little hands on, it looks to me, that Mass Effect II is going to be one of those game that lives up top the hype. Now with only two or three weeks to go till it comes out, a can't wait to get hold of my N7 collectors edition. I hoping and praying and Mass Effect II is going to be as good, or even better than Bioware is saying it is. - ALL WE HAVE TO FEAR IS FEAR ITSELF.