But sadly they go by too fast. Picked up GTA IV and im about 30% through it already which i guess is almost half of story mode. The game is real fun and looks great too. I was really happy to find that Lazlo one of the radio station hosts was back, although I have to say I'm not as entertained with him as much as I was before. Plus he has a much more dirty mouth now. I've also been playing a little bit more of The show and am enjoying that as well. My create a player made it too the majors in his third season and now in my fifth season I'm a leading canidadate for MVP and some other awards. Here is a screen shot from what the newspaper said during the world series my rookie year. I made the paper :-D
This was my first multi-homerun game so it was pretty special. Unfortunately we lost game 7.
In other news I plan on seeing Prince Caspian tomorrow. I've been hearing some good things about it and I though that the Lion the witch and the wardrobe was pretty good. Also tomorrow marks the first official day that I will be a substitute high school teacher. I'm not interested in being a teacher, I just have some downtime before my other job starts and they make decent money, plus I think it may be fun.
Also, the office season finale was awesome, ughhh i really can't wait til next year to watch new episodes again. I can say the same for a quite a few shows though, I'm a t.v. fiend :-/
Catch you guys later :)