My favorite games of SNES games are: Super Metroid(I think is my favourite overall ), Super Mario RPG (The legend of the seven Stars, this game is really special, it involves a lot of characters and a Goal in which you have to succeed to save all the world and you even team with Bowser, i hope more players knew this game, and those ho have played and enjoyed they know what i mean), Megaman X, Star Wars series and Mario World. My favourite games of N64 are:Ocarina of Time, Majora´s Mask, Super Smash Bros, Star Wars Rogue Squadron, Star Fox, Quest 64(Maybe this isn't well known, but i have played severall times)and Pokemon stadium 2. From GC: Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime Echoes(I love and have followed Metroid since the SNES), TLoZ: Wind waker(Wonderfull game, the best part is when you know the truth and go to the ancient castle at the bottom of the ocean, i was like OMG this is just increidible, that moment was awesome), RE4(This game i like it very very much, and get into the series by playing it, I have beaten the game like 30 times counting GC, PS2, and Wii versions, after that i get REmake and RE 0), and Super Smash Bros Melee. Now from Wii I like Metroid Prime Corruption, and No more Heroes, and now playing SSBB. I have appreciated the Pokemon series since Pokemon Blue and Yellow where out, to Pokemon Pearl and Diamond.
I also like other games such as Grand Theft Auto, Devil May cry, Final Fantasy, Naruto games(Narutimate Accel 2 i have been playing a while), God of War, and some others. I was up to buy an XBox 360, but i can´t handle if the crappy console breaks down:((red ring problem), because here in Lima(Peru) there is no service if the 360 breaks. So i'm staying only with my safety Wii , I think i will buy later a PS3. Because you know Nintendo is unique, and the Xbox 360 with the PS3 are also good gaming consoles, but both have moreless the same kind of games and share games too. So i will only buy one of them later.
I had really good times playing when I was a child, with my neighbors and family. And now too :).I think I will do a new blog post with my Top 10 games later.
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