Kratos' Initial attempt to destroy the gods goes wrong and all the gods drain his powers. During the fight Gaea is captured and sent to the underworld then Kratos and the other Titans try to rescue her. Gaea persuades Hades to attempt take the throne of Olympus. Zeus and Poseidon Team up and kill Hades. Leaving Poseidon Extremely weak. Kratos finds out and kills his third god. In doing so he takes some of his powers and can now cast Poseidon’s Rage. Since Hades is dead Kratos can easily go into the underworld to get Gaea. He fights the real big Cerberus and Gaea is set free. He then goes to kill Hephestus and Aphrodite. Since they are in an unhappy marriage Aphrodite attempts to "persuade" you to kill hephestus. During the "Persuading" Kratos Kills Aphrodite. He then learns another skill. Aphrodite’s Gaze. It stuns people. (Like Gorgon head and Eurayale’s head) .Then Turns to kill Hephestus. He then turns to Artimis and kills her with the Artimis Blade from the first game. And takes the blade for himself. Then over to her brother Apollo and kills him at Delos The Floating Island which is a sacred place to him. He takes Apollo’s Bow. (Like Typhoon’s Bane). After Apollo Kratos Turns to Dionysus and kills Him while he is drunk. Kratos then takes Persephone Hostage. (Demeter’s Daughter) He uses her to kill Demeter, during the fight Demeter accidentally strikes down Persephone and has no more will to live after and surrenders and kratos kills Demeter. Afterwards Gaea gives Kratos Gaea’s Embrace, It is his final skill. It turns him into a giant, greatly increasing his strength. He then turns to Zeus' Jealous wife Hera, she has much hate for kratos because she is the god of Marriage and he killed his wife. In a rage that Kratos had many gods she brings kratos half to death and Gaea the Mother of Earth Comes and Kills Hera. And takes Hera’s staff. Finally the last of the Olympians, Zeus. Zeus wielding the sword of Olympus proves a formidable foe. You kill him by taking the sword of Olympus and thrusting it into his forehead. Kratos walks away with the Blade of Olympus. The Titans take rule of Olympus. But this is not the end. Kratos and the other titans find a way to bring back Athena and do so for kratos. Athena is in such disgust of what he has done she attacks Kratos. she is the final boss. She absorbs the power of Zeus and The Fight Between Athena and Kratos Begins. In end Athena delivers a fatal blow to Kratos, Kratos then in an act of desperation calls for the titans’ aid. He his brought to full health and has immense power and kills Athena. Kratos then takes his Rule of Olympus.
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