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As time goes on

I'm still having a lot of funs with these games, and with the recent release of Neverwinter Nights 2, Final Fantasy XII, Need For Speed: Carbon, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, I've got a feeling I'm not going to be bored for a long time.

I just picked up Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, and I'm having a blast with it. I find it much better than X-Men Legends 2, probably because I never really liked X-Men, and ended up letting it collect dust after the first level >_>. That's not the only reason why I bought Marvel: Ultimate Alliance though. I'm going to see how the Multiplayer holds up online, so I can play with some friends of mine. I just hope its not so laggy, like it was for me in X-Men Legends 2, which online in that game was unplayable. Constant disconnections, freezes, etc. etc.

Of course I'm still playing Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. I thought I would've gotten sick of it after 3-4 weeks, but I guess I'm still enjoying it because of the Kreate-A-Fighter mode, switching my characters fighting style/special moves every few days really freshens up the game. Not to mention I've barely touched any of the other 62 characters yet. xD

Then of course I've got the other games I'm simply jumping into from time to time when I'm taking a break from Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, and Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. Being an RPG fan, I went back to finish Golden Sun, which IĀ got lazy to finish when I was younger. Speaking of RPGs, I'm really looking foward to picking up Final Fantasy XII, as well as Neverwinter Nights 2. I never played Neverwinter Nights, but I've heard good things about it. With Final Fantasy, I've played VIII to X. I enjoyed all of them, except for X, which I mentioned in my previous post, because of its supperrr long cutscenes. With Final Fantasy XII out, and a new combat system, I'm really looking foward to picking it up... Only problem is, my wallet is feeling a bit empty... >_>