I may spew out potential spoilers for Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, so if you haven't played it yet, you've been warned.
So yea, after finishing The Longest Journey, I went straight on to playing Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, and boy was that a quick journey. It took me half the time of The Longest Journey to finish Dreamfall, and I didn't skip a single word of dialogue. I went into Dreamfall expecting a great, longstory with some more hair-pulling puzzles. What I got instead, I wouldn't call disappointing, but I surely wasn't satisfied.
Instead of answering any questions I had from The Longest Journey, Dreamfall piled more questions on top of me, and none of them were answered. One of the most disappointing "endings" I've seen since another sequel, to another great game. The gameplay, that honestly didn't need to be there, was mediocre at best. The combat/stealth were laughably easy, and seemed to get in the way more than anything else, and the abscence of hair-pulling puzzles was disappointing.
I could nitpick every little thing about the story, and gameplay, but I think I'm a year late to be complaining, so I'll just end it at that, and cross my fingers in hopes that Dreamfall Chapters comes quickly.
On an unrelated note, Bioshock Demo will be finished downloading in 30 minutes!