Hell, It's About Time.
by Shadow-Eagle on Comments
Yea. StarCraft 2... Almost 10 years now. I'm pretty excited for it... The funny thing is, I never finished StarCraft. I dabbled around with it, but I could never properly grasp it... Mostly because I was pretty young when it was released, and didn't really understand the RTS genre. But now, after playing a lot of Command and Conquer 3, Age of Empires II & III, Age of Mythology, and a lot more, I think I should go back in time and play StarCraft... Thing is, I've been looking around for my copy of both StarCraft and Brood War, and can't find it! T_T Ah well... I'm sure one of my relatives should have it hanging around... Time to go looking, and see what I missed for the past 9 years!