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Post E3 '07 Thoughts

These 3 days seemed to pass by pretty quickly, but it was cool to see all the news flying in, and all the Live Demos. This is oddly enough my first time really focusing on E3. I never acknowledged previous E3s as much as I did this year, because I didn't realize how much news, announcements, demos, etc. get shown off here. All around, it was an enjoyable show, I got to see more of the games I was really interested in, became more excited for most of the games that I got to see, and became interested in some I just waved off before. I'll be patiently waiting for E3 '08 to roll around, since E3 didn't really blow me off my seat, rather than just getting me more excited for upcoming games.

And speaking of upcoming games, I'm really excited for the coming months to come around. So many games were shown off at E3 that I can barely keep track of all of them. Here's my updated list of 2007 games to get now that E3's done, in no particular order: (Some of them may not have been shown at E3)

  • Crysis (PC)
  • Bioshock (PC)
  • Unreal Tournament III (PC)
  • Turning Point: Fall of Liberty (PC)
  • Gears of War (PC)
  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC)
  • BlackSite: Area 51 (PC)
  • Half Life 2: The Orange Box (PC)
  • Kane and Lynch: Dead Men(PC)
  • Mercenaries 2 World in Flames (PC)
  • Stranglehold (PC)
  • Assassin's Creed (PC)
  • Devil May Cry 4 (PC)
  • The Witcher (PC)
  • Hellgate: London (PC)
  • Loki (PC)
  • Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom (PC)
  • Viva Pinata (PC)
  • Supreme Commander (PC)
  • Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance (PC)
  • World In Conflict (PC)
  • Street Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD(PC)
  • Luminous Arc (DS)
  • Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (DS)
  • Guitar Hero III (PS2)

My wallet is already trembling. Yea I'm a big PC guy, but I don't have any current-gen consoles on me, so that rules out a lot of games I want to check out on the console side of things, such as:

  • Rock Band (Xbox 360)
  • Dead or Alive 4 (Xbox 360)
  • Mass Effect (Xbox 360)
  • Lost Odyssey (Xbox 360)
  • Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords (Xbox 360)
  • Fable 2 (Xbox 360)
  • Grand Theft Auto IV (Xbox 360)
  • Eternal Sonata (Xbox 360)
  • LittleBigPlanet (Playstation 3)
  • Heavenly Sword (Playstation 3)
  • Ninja Gaiden: Sigma (Playstation 3)
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
  • Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
  • Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)
  • Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)

I'm probably missing a few, and I've probably got a few in there that aren't out until 2008, but you get the picture. And I realize I'm missing a few big titles, such as Halo 3 and Killzone 2, but with so many First-Person-Shooters on the PC that I plan to play, I've really no interest in playing more, especially since I'm not fond of console First-Person-Shooters.

So once I've finished my current games (Fallout 2, World of Warcraft), and I've upgraded my processor (I'm looking at you Q6600 @ July 22nd!) the end of Summer should be rolling around, which should start (what I consider) the second half the year, rolling around with Loki and Bioshock, which I'm sure will hold me long enough until Crysis comes out in, here's hoping, September. I can keep going on about what's coming up in the coming months, but you get the picture. I should have my hands full for the rest of the year, and probably even after 2008 with so many games to play.