After many months of patient waiting, I've finally gotten what I wanted... A new video card!... At the cost of 500mb of RAM. >_> My 500mb RAM Stick somehow got corrupted during the installation of my new Graphics Card, NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS. I'm now down to 1gb of RAM, and my computer is very noticeably slower at loading. During the start up of my computer, it takes a minute or two until it's finished loading. No biggie though, I can live without a bit of ram for awhile. My games are looking great as ever with all the settings set at high, and my framerate is surprisingly holding up steadily. Here's a Screenshot of the big difference!
I love how I can run all my games with maxed settings and still hold a steady framerate. I can finally play Oblivion and Neverwinter Nights 2 enjoyably without grinning when I saw ugly textures.I know, not very surprising, a lot of people have better computers. Meh. This is a blog, and you're reading it! Like I said, I know many people aren't going to read this, but I like reading back on these after 3-4 months.
In addition to my Video Card, it came with a copy of Hitman Blood Money which in my opinion is an alright game, and to add to the collection, I got a copy of FarCry from a friend of mine who was done with it, now that I can run it properly with maxed settings. It'll be fun to play another Single-Player First Person shooter. Speaking of which, I'm really looking foward to Half Life 2: Episode Two. The 'ending' in that game really bugged me... As the same with KOTOR 2 >_>. It's been awhile since KOTOR 2, and no announcement of KOTOR 3 has come out yet. Not that I know of at least. I hope they didn't decide to move on with other games...
Enough ranting though, looks like that's all for today. Time to get back to my games and playing guitar before more piles of homework get thrown on me. The past week has been days after days of homework. Not use to this kind of pacing, but if I want to succeed, I gotta do it... Anyways, Until next time!
Shadow-Eagle's currently Most Anticipated Games:
- Half Life 2: Episode Two (PC)
- BioShock (PC)
- Legend of Zelda: Twlight Princess (GC)
- Gears of Wars (PC - Not confirmed)
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3 (PC-Not confirmed)