Its been awhile since I've played a really good RPG. I've been craving one for awhile now with an engaging storyline, and lots of character customization. I tried playing Neverwinter Nights 2 again, but the lawful/chaotic choices in that game don't seem to make much of an impact on the story, and the storyline itself is pretty bland. Then I tried playing Jade Empire. The setting is very interesting, and the character interactions are very well done, but the combat feels completely mundane and tedious to the point where I can't play it. I would've been satisfied if they just put on the turn-based combat Knights of the Old Republic had, at which point I'd sure as hell play Jade Empire to the end. But since that isn't the case, I've given up on trying to work up the willpower to enjoy that game. Fallout sort of has what I need, with a good combat system, and interesting storyline, but the character interaction in the game almost feels non-existent. Other than that though, its still a very good game, which I intend to finish. So, having the craving to play an RPG that has the4 points ofEngagingStoryline, Turn-Based Combat, Great character interaction, and Storyline changing decisions, I've decided to go play the Kotor series for the 3rd time.
Kotor 1 and 2 are some of the Best Games of All Time in my book. Great and engaging storyline, the decisions you had to make in the game actually felt like it shifted the storyline, great character interactions, and it used the Star Wars liscense very well, as I'm not much of a fan of the movies. The one and onlymajor gripe I had about it was the ending of Kotor 2. Out of no where, this cliffhanger ending just pops into your face and its over. I've been checking in with the Restoration Projectevery now and then, but at this point, I don't think it'll be completely finished until sometime next year. As I was playing Kotor this evening, I kept remembering the feeling of the first time you meet and rescue Bastila, or the first time you craft your own lightsaber, or the revelation point at which you find out who you really are. These key and reallyexciting points in the game were what made it so fun in the first place. Playing them over again doesn't completely settle my craving, but at least it pushes it back a bit.
The only thing will settle my craving is a new Kotor game, with the same key points that what made the game so fun. Its been 2 years since Knights of the Old Republic 2, and since it had such a horrendous ending, you would think they would announce a sequel by now. An announcement at this point would probably get me jumping up and down, more than when I heard about StarCraft 2. But I guess there's nothing I can do but be patient and wait, or go play Kotor, or try and settle my craving by doing some quests in World of Warcraft. Sigh... Maybe something will pop up at E3 2007 this year... Oh well, I can only wait and hope...