Mass Effect Kicks Ass?? Is that really a surpise? :lol:
I got Mass Effect yesterday and its the best 60 bucks I've spend so far this year.
GREAT Voice Acting, SOLID Dialouge, Resident Evil 4 type over the shoulder action, AWESOME Graphics, a storyline that just pulls you in, man there is just too much good stuff about this game. I guess the only thing that's bad about it is there's no online but thats not a bad thing at all.
It's like KOTOR was just a buliding template to make this game and it was well worth the time it took to make it. Yet ANOTHER great 360 game.
On a side note things don't look too good for Sony and PS3. With games like Mass Effect, Gears of War, and Halo only for the 360. Sony is going to have to stop losing exclusives and start getting some good games under it's belt or it will NEVER catch up with the 360. Even though the new price of the PS3 is now $399, the 360 is $349 a lot of people, including me, know that $50 is a huge difference and with just plain better games available for the 360 the choice for the common consumer is obivous...
The only reason I see for me buying a PS3 now is for MGS4 next year and Final Fantasy 13 coming much MUCH later.
If the PS3 doesn't sell for the Holidays I just don't see how it's gonna come back...