Hey guys, been awhile since my last blog been kinda busy. Working, saving up money, and getting ready for the next semester and what not and that's what the first part of this blog will be about. So I'll tell you now if you just like hearing about JRPGs, what games I'm playing, my YouTube channel (I hope some of you are about my channel) just skip down to part two.
Part 1
Anyway, life has been getting pretty serious. I've changed my major to Game Programming (use to be Computer Science) but its the field I'm very passionate about. However, it isnt easy getting a job in the game industry. I just hope my time won't be wasted. Best part is I can just take ****s related only to my major since I've taken all other ****s I was supposed to take (Math, English, Speech, Health, etc). But its taking a hit on my wallet. I can safely say (or sadly say) I have never been this broke before lol. And I plan to go to school all year around that's including Summer.
I'm also in the search for a better paying job. I like my current job but I just need more money. I have the work exp for it but the thing is my current job is very flexiable when it comes to scheule making. I can ask my boss for any days off and she won't have problem with it. So I can go to ****s in the morning and just go to work right after with time to between to study and what not.
Also, its been kind of scary as of late. I've been running into a lot of friends from my High School ****and some of them have kids. I can't even fathom having a kid right now lol and its not like they have graduated college and are ready for the world. They seriously don't have any idea what they're going to do. I can see it on their faces. And even worse part most of them that I have been running into don't even go to college and are just working. They all say to me the same thing: At least your still taking ****s.
So yea the weight of getting ready for world and life is starting to really bare down on me. I just hope like I said in the beginning my time won't be wasted pursing a degree in Game Programming. Wish me luck.
Part 2
My YouTube Channel (ShadowElite08) has almost 400 subscribers (currently 376) if I can reach 500 subs I'll be excited if I can reach 1000 that be awesome. And if somehow I exceed my expectations and make partner I could die a happy man lol. But just imagine it, getting paid to make videos on stuff I love. Man, that be great.
Anyway here are some the videos I've made since my last blog
-AnimeNext 2011 Free Hugs (Anime convention I went to a month back)
-Record of Agarest War Zero Review
-Operation Rainfall. I support 110%
-Record of Agarest 2 Impressions
-Super Robot Taisen Endless Frontier: OG Saga Reviewa
-Games of September 2011. Our Wallets are Screwed
-Xenoblade. The Best JRPG since Persona 4?
-Persona 4: The Golden
Next video to be Xenoblade Reivew
Games I'm currently playing
Xenoblade is surprising is a great JRPG. Too bad its not in North America. Damn you Nintendo of America! Anyway its an awesome game. Its the JRPG I've been waiting to play this generation.
Digital Devil Saga 2 I got off of GameFly and haven't really found the time to play it since I'm going long with Xenoblade. But it really is better than its pressodor. The battle theme, Battle for Survival, is awesome. Might buy it off of Amazon if its not too much
On another note I AM HYPED FOR PERSONA 4: THE GOLDEN AND PERSONA 4 The Animation. I havent been this hyped for an anime since High School of the Dead.
Also, a Persona fighting game that has the cast from Persona 4 and Persona 3 has been announced.
Hope they show more at Tokyo Game Show. I will also be making videos on Tokyo Game Show for my YouTube Channel
Well, that's it guys and gals. If you want to keep tabs of me sub to my YouTube channel. I've haven't been posting on Gamespot much and by Gamespot I mean the Toonami Union. Been too busy lately.
I might have to... Well, you can guess.
Song of the Blog: Sky's The Limit (Persona 4 the Animation Opening)