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Mario Galaxy 242 Stars!!! Spoilers, maybe.

Wow. Just wow, I didn't think i'd go and get all 120 stars with Luigi :), I thought I was going to stop at about 80 like I did with mario over a year ago. Playing Super Mario Galaxy is still awesome, definately my favourite game EVER, definately (Yes, i'm even more excited about Super Mario Galaxy 2 now :D ). Even though the Grande Finale Galaxy was an absolute let down difficulty wise, I still got really excited going through it (Inner-Nintendo-fanboy glee) and it gave the game closure, which is missing from a suprisingly huge amount of games and i'm usually very dissapointed by the end of these games. Mario Galxy ended perfectly (although it still ended :( ) leaving me fully satisfied with the game. I also enjoyed having the little message and photo that you recieve (shame I can't frame the pictures :( )

On a completely unrelated note I reckon that if the wii could output it's graphics at a HD resolution (to get rid of the jaggedness of the image) then Super Mario Galaxy would be graphically better than 95% of 360 and PS3 titles, although loads of people would disagree, I think the game looks absolutely awesome on the Wii, well why bother saying 'on the Wii', it looks bloody awesome full stop. Although Tales of Vesperia on the 360 does look absolutely stunning and I can't wait to get my hands on it :), nothing i'm really looking forward to playing on my PS3 although I am going to be getting Overlord II on it just to get some playtime out of my PS3, because currently my 360 is sitting just above the Wii and the PS3 almost unplayed, although I do like to use it to watch my anime in the browser full screen :P But i've still got Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 AND Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess to finish xD. I'm mainly going back to finish these old games just because there's nothing new i'm that intrested in, so why can't I finish some great, but old games?

Sadly i'm not enjoying Bioshock that much it's just too similar to an ordinary FPS (I'm not a fan of FPS') it's fun when i'm playing it, but there's always that 'Do I really want to play this now?' or 'Actually I think i'll play 'Insert game here'' thing which I do. So Bioshock, good game, not very addictive or exciting, not gonna buy number 2 :( Still fun for an FPS, it's in my top 3 anyway, top 3 of 5 played xD, most of which were on the gamecube, and 3rd of 4 if you don't want to count Metroid Prime 3 xD.

And finally finishing Mario Galaxy has got me pumped to play the much harder, but not as good/fun Super Mario Sunshine, which as anyone who read my last blog post knows, i am nowehere near finishing xD.

Thanks to those who took the time to read my longest blog post ever :o ;)

Catch ya next time ;)