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Shadow5talker04 Blog

Dancing Time

I had a few points to burn and seeing as i love RvB i went and got ALL the picture packs (Ran out before i could get the theme) (p.s. My mum was just using the phone upsider down at this exact point) ans im just posing it because i can. Finished my first GCSE today (Religious) and wrote about MORMEN (pointless and fun) and my HALO 3 BETA is downloading currently :)


For all people who check out my profile

Peace out

Game Nak3d

Furries Rule

Seing as im on i might as well

So Jonman One hundred and twenty one wants me to acctualy come on... Fine if you'll leave me alone.  Anyway GCSE's = less on time.  Chromehounds is awsome.  R6Vegas was good but overshadowed by other games.  Crackdowns lost its appeal.  Halo 3 beta GOOD :).  not that i know yet :(.  Ninjas Rule Pirates Suck.  Having BBQ at the moment.  Boom Boom Rocket hurts you fingers.  I have no money. 

 Talk to ya next week



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