After viewing this article :,
I find my utter disgust for liberal extremism renewed .
All the noise being made over this ad has me worried for the future of America. God forbid we should ever come under liberal rule, all our freedoms would be stripped away so as not to offend anyone.
It is my opinion that liberalism equals facism. Don't believe me? go up to any liberals you might know and say something they don't like, then watch as these "all inclusive and all tolerant" people have a meltdown and begin screaming for your blood.
You see, they are only "all inclusive and all tolerant" if you agree with them, the moment you don't you are considered a target for thier vitriol, don't believe me ? look at psychos' like Howard Dean.
These ads aren't racist, they aren't "controvertial" they are just artsy fartsy, and the fact that they aren't being used HERE in the US is no surprise, look at the reaction just the news article has elicited.
No, I think it's time for Americans to find a cure for cranialrectal inversion and let all this noise go.
Gryph has spoken.
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