Now, I admit that, initially, I could have handled the situation better.
But, after 2 attempts to contact these mooks and being ignored, I let my irritation get the better of me and the subject of my email was far from flattering "HEY! wake the f*** up!" body of email was this "You go to great lengths to get people to join, yet when I DO join, I cannot log in for who knows what reason.
this is the THIRD email I have sent without a response from you.
I would like a response and I would like to know what your problem is."
In the process heated words were exchanged and I made some rather unflattering remarks. I admit to letting my anger get the better of me.
That, in NO way, absolves them of this last email:
"We all got alot more than you. Oh and you bext be careful what you say, you never know WHAT will happen. All I will say is after this message you will be blocked and at some point in the next week you will get a little NASTY surprise" ROA_Adminstration Team realms of airyglyph@ .
Now instead of letting this go, as I was more than willing to do, they decide to ,lol, threaten me.
Well, we shall see just how stupid they want to get.
The problem is, they feel that they can do as they wish because they have a forum, I hate to tell them this but, heh, if they can't act with a modicum of professionalism they shouldn't be running a forum.
Hell I wouldn't trust them with a potato gun.:lol:
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