"smeagollovesyou What about an online (possibly) Metroid Prime 3. The single player aspect of Metroid has always been better than Halo's and if they can bring elements from Metroid Prime Hunters and give it a fully featured multi player mode it could be the best game of '07." lol srry man, but Metriod has never compared to the Halo series...I like Nintendo just fine, but things like Metriod really should be made for an older crowd, I've played Metriod, and its just OK, thats all, I found it to have odd level design, not so amazing action, and other weird elements. In essence, it seems to have been designed for a younger crowd.....while the Halo series has a great story for shooter, pretty good visuals, awesome art style, outstanding multiplayer.......just better than Metriod in so many ways
oh comeon no pinball, thats retarded, pinball's like the best game out of the XP casual games. And mabye this topic isn't worth a huge feature like this, but I still think its kinda neat to see what the Vista versions look like, why are you people complaining so much about it, not that big of a deal.
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