Reach= Every Other Game?
by ShadowKazie on Comments
Halo Reach is a good game from the Beta thus far but it seems to me that it just took formulas and modes from other games and combined them together to make Reach's multiplayer. Whoever said that Reach is revolutionary is just trying to say that so that they could possibly get Recon by kissing Bungie's ass. So let's see... -Classes (The Ones You Pick Before Playing)= Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2. -Abilities (Human Shield, Jetpack, Sprint)= Shadowrun -Invasion (The Spartans vs Elites)= Battlefield Bad Company 2's Gold Rush (Just replaced with aliens and spartans instead of soliders) -Buying Armor=Rainbow Six Vegas 2 -The "Pro Tube"= Call of Duty's "Noob Tube" Reach is good but it took some elements from other multiplayer games in order for it to be a success. At least they didn't copy guns from the games except the Noob Tube. The Needle Rifle and DMR kick ass plus the Assault Rifle ACTUALLY causes some sort of damage! I would give Reach probably a 7.6 at the needs some fixes but it's overall worth trying out in Beta form. Congrats to Bungie for thinking outside the box...a tad. At least they didn't put in Juggernaut in it...then I don't think I would consider buying it at all. And at least it's better than Halo 3...for now.