I finally convinced a couple friends to get the DS thanks to advance wars...
I have just returned from a short boy scout trip and also a video game party, and I took my DS to both. I played some of a friend's nintendogs at scouts, and it was fun, but the great stuff came from Advance Wars' hotseat mode. At the beginning of the party, two people had PSPs, there were three PSP lovers, and I was the only one with a DS. They were very nice guys, and quite open minded (even though in recent years two of my friends have turned from Nintendo fans to owners of all three, players of none), and after laying out the facts, they were quite ready to believe how good the DS really was.
After that, we played several more Hotseat games, and we had tons of fun. Heck, one of my friends picked up the strategy rediculously fast. He played amazingly well for the first time. I had lots of fun, and by the end of the party, one person was on the way to get a DS, my friend that played excellently had played campaign mode for 6 straight hours, and the PSPs remained... unplayed.
Talk about a happy ending. About dang time my friends listened to me. Now who's the Ninty fanboy, huh?
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