Xenogears on the PS1. Meant to be an awesome game. Put in 5 hours so far ([UPDATE]: Played another hour) and I am very very bored. Rated 9.0 by GS and praised very vocally by fans of the game I thought I'd give it a try, and suffice to say, this game has seriously shaken my interest in rpgs. Its not until I started playing Xenosaga today has my faith in rpgs been slightly rekindled, though I've only played an hour so far, thus far so I'm reserving judgement. Will I end up selling almost half of my PS2 rpg library (namely all 3 Xenosagas, Grandia 1 and 3, Suikoden V, StarOcean 3and DragonQuest VIII)? We shall see. I'll definitely keep the big hitters though like FF XII because I'm almost guaranteed to enjoy that and Tales of the Abyss + Legendia since I loved TOS on the GC.
I'm trying to put my finger on why I found Xenogears boring. Is it the needlessly endless and pointless waffle that makes up the game's dialogue? It is a very text heavy game so that might be the problem, however I am extremely fond of the Phoenix Wright games so this text volume is not a factor. What it is then is the terrible script and dialogue that drags on for AGES, making a point that could fill a very badly written novel instead of just a few lines. This is not a case of "Oh Amir's just being impatient and doesn't want to read a bit when playing a game" - I cringed atmost of the character exchanges I've encountered so far. And that brings me on to my next point: Characters. Very bland and boring. Sure it's personal taste but none of the characters stood out to me and I couldn't Identify with any of them (again part of the problem is the writing which makes it hard to identify with them since their situations are so poorly written, presented and scripted). The reason I'm finding Xenosaga's 1st hour quite intriguing is because I like the way the characters look and I want to learn more about them (mainly KOS-MOS).
The second major problem is that I don't think the game has been tested and streamlined properly. There are annoying load times for entering all buildings (even 1 room!)and even when exiting a menu screen it pauses for a few seconds. A small thing yes. A small thing that you encounter frequently? That makes it a big deal. Also in several areas you can't see you character becuase he is blocked by buildings and other features (rotating the camera doesn't help), and in general the areas are very confusing with little reference points making it hard to find your way around.
Another problem is that the battles are not exciting (though it is innovative). I like the look of Xenosagas battles more already. Maybe its because its a PS1 game but I'm sure I remember FF 7, 8 and 9's battles to be far more exciting (I only played them last summer).
And finally my last problem with the game: God of War II and my dear friend Kratos. He stole MrT's tank, drove over my disk and then started throwing Snickers bars at it:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NySN_plfiNI Don't worry there is a point to this (apart from the awesomeness of that link). In GOW2, during the first 5 hours I'd battled with a massive colossus, escaped from the pits of Hades, rode on giant horses, traversed into a hidden temple and mused with Titans. During the first 5 hours of Xenogears, I've ran from my village, walked through a forest, walked through a desert, entered a city, some dialogue, walked through the desert again, dialogue, fell through the desert, walked and talked some more, fought an insect, dialogue. old man said hello, more dialogue,and then some more dialogue, find out where missing girl is dialogue. (Even after all the dialogue there is actually very little story so far. Just goes to show how pointless most of it is).
I know I haven't finished the game but I can bear it no longer. My gaze shifts to my shelf as I play and sees so many wonders and potential in games I've yet to play. It wonders back to the tv and I find myself wanting to turn it off. Its off to ebay soon.
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Reply: http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=2057704
With regard to God of War II what can I say? Amazing visuals, great voice-acting, the most badass character ever conceived, intriguing plot, I love Greek mythology (I love it even more when they play around with it) and satisfying combat. If you have a PS2, you owe it to yourself to get it (get the first game first though if you haven't played it!)
Now onto E3. The Microsoft press conference starts at 4:30 am on Wednesday here in the UK! I'll probably be getting up for it, I can't bear reading through all the announcements afterward. Lucky for me the other 2 conferences are held on the same day later on in the evening (about 5pm for Nintendo and 7:30pm for Sony). Still there are the developer conferences as well that also start at ridiculous times in the night. Won't be getting much sleep these next two days (yes you read right, in the UK, E3 will only last 2 days because a lot of the stuff happens at night and on the same day while in America it will cross over from evenings to morning etc).
What I want from E3:
PSP redesign or price drop
Games for Europe for Wii (Paper Mario and Truma Center STLL haven't arrived yet!)
Details of new360 Falcon chipset and when it will be rolling out
Another Tales of... game
A new God of War announcement
Sonic in Smash Bros Brawl
More on the new Phoenix Wright game and a release date for the 3rd one
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