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Shadow_Ace92 Blog

Halo 3

Hi every1,

i have been playing halo 3 on my new gamertag for the past 4 days and i already got all campain achievements and almost all online achivements i finally got the katana sword again, i mean again cuz i used to have it on another gamertag bout 9 months ago, so if any1 wants to play online im pretty good my overal kill to death ratio is 1.07

My Plan

Hi Every1,

Im goin tyo pawn my ps2 for money buy a xbox headset and a long internet cord and buy call of duty world at war and 1 year subscribition xbox live and gunna tray to trade my star wars game for world at war

Not Worth It

Hi Every1,

star wars unleashed is not worth all u do is go on missions i think the game would be way better if the made it were the load times are shorte (ther really long) and if they made it to were u can just walk threw various cities bbe able to buy cloths to were and and be able to talk to people to get side quests here or there i think going on mision after mission gets boring so after i beet the story wen the new call of duty comes out im gunna take it back with recet and trade it walmart... there not supose to let u take them back if there opened but if u have to u can exchange it for the same game(i have done dat before cuz my cod4 wouldnt load a map)so i know they let u do dat so since all the games are same price im going to trade for the new call of duty soit better be good...!!!!!!


Oblivion is an awsome game. I have beaten all the main guilds and am about to go to start the main story, my next game i will be geting is star wars the force unleashed.