I would give this game a 7, definitely not worth a 10, the enemy AI is painfully dumb as Frack even on hard. At one point Dina was squat down in a doorway at the knees of an enemy, he didn't see her and couldn't move through the doorway because of her. This just breaks the world and indeed drags you out of the emersion in a bad way. I derived no joy from playing Abby for nearly 10 hours, I had no investment in this character whatsoever and she overburdened the story. Didn't Naughty Dog say once that you only get to play as Ellie, that is quite deceitful of them. All I wanted to do for those 10 hours was get back to playing Ellie. While the game did display fantastic graphical vistas and some varied combat options Part II lacks the sensitively emotional style that made the original epic such a masterpiece.
Shadow_Dancer's comments