I know it can be done as well, because I've seen it in a store a while ago. Believe me I tried to find it for hours. I created this post because I didn't find it.
Sha(qK)obe is the best duo. In each duo mentioned before (MJ-Scottie, Stockton-Malone, etc) there was one player who was impossible to guard. Kobe and Shaq (together in their Lakers era) were both impossible to guard. Sha(qK)obe all the way.
There are also GOOD NEWS. Brown is a horrible horrible horrible coach but I've read that his top assistant would be Ettore Messina. For those who aren't familiar with the European Bascketball, coach Messina is the best in europe. He won championships with a lot of players, one of them was Ginobilli (before his Spurs era). In addition, don't expect 'showtime' to be held because he (Messina) cherish defence more than offence. Let us all hope that Brown will be fired soon enough so Ettore Messina will take his place as the Lakers's head coach.
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