@Maj_Wood 1. Someone's ability to exercise and metabolism are not controlled by games. 2. Dopamine is good for you, your brain releases it because you did something right. 3. Dopamine is not a motor chemical so it would not directly effect physical health. 4. A body's natural chemicals can't act as their own drug, unless you have a deficiency or disease, because other chemicals restrict and enhance the flow of many other chemcals in a very complex, but not fragile, way.
Well... FML, I just found out my tv is 720p when I thought it was 1080p, with me getting super into the resolution war. My whole perspective on everything is changed :0
@pongley Project Spark does, though the softness and vibration of it are annoying. Its like just the right frequency to piss you off. But it definitely does use them and I like it in other games. I know Forza does.
@adamgrace @faulknjp Some people play games just to shoot things, thats fine if they want to I guess. But it is quite "profound" and I enjoy watching these videos. Maybe these games are his life, and talking in-depth and profoundly about them are his social connections. Ha and he does seem to have a good sense of humor... "His ex-wife is probably in that bag."
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