About Me
by ShadowedXHunted on Comments
Hello. I am new to the site and I know that this blog post will become lost once I become more associated with others on here and begin to write more about my gaming adventures. I have been gaming since I can remember. The day I found my Dad's Sega Genesis hockey game idol, I picked up the controller and found my destiny. I am a gamer that loves a few genres of games. As odd as that sounds, I hope readers can bare with me. I really took a loving to The Legend of Zeldaaaaa and Final Fantasy, because I was a kiddo when both FF7 and OOT came out. I followed the steps of the hype and attempted to play both as a child. I did beat OOT when I was 8, with the help of the guide book, and I have yet to beat FF7 (XD) I am a misanthrope. I hope that my poor attitude towards doesn't interfere with my activity on the site, and I hope to have some very intelligent and ravishing conversations on this site, hence the reason for joining. I really love my DS and PSP, I am a die hard Pokemon fan and have been for years, now I have 250+ hours on Heart Gold and not counting my other files. If you're ever looking for a Pokemon challenge, message me for my ID! I look forward to my time spent on here. Happy New Year!