So, I recently signed up for the Gamespot Pokemon Tourny that they have going on.
I cant say im not excited. I am expecting a good challenge, I don't mind if I lose, so long as its a good fight.
As much as it hurts me to say. Life is sucking. College isn't working out. Not getting into the Nursing program I desired to be in, but their is one beam of hope.
Its not my girlfriend, my family, nor my best friends.
It is.. POKEMON.
I know it sounds sick, but i've been putting endless hours into HG just to suppress my long raging depression. I am hoping for some recognition some day, I really want to be one of the best some day, their is something about collecting them all that is thrilling for me.
Their is something about the Pokemon world that is so peaceful and loving yet fun and exciting. I often wonder what it would be like if we lived in such a world. Although we couldn't read HP and other status such as we can when playing the game :P
I figured because I can't get into Nursing, life is looking dim. Almost beyond dim. So I will just continue to play Pokemon and try to enjoy what I can. Even though I have people that care for me, it just seems that.. Pokemon is shining bright, sitting their, waiting to be played. The Elite 4, waiting for a constant fury of ass kickings :D
I will continue to get my Bachelors in college. And maybe pursue detective work. Lets just see what happens. For now though, I know one thing thats keeping me on my feet, and for some reason, its working rather well.