In this part of the year when the biggest launches of games happen review scores start to come out. Some people have expectations about some games because are followers of the franchise, the company who made it or may be just hating, but for good or bad some scores are different that you expected for the game. May be the score is too high or too low, the fact is that everybody start to comment about reviews. More often the peple complain or praise the review, do it with out actually playing the game.
I was one of those people until i realise that is not worth it and some times the reviewer is right (of course some times is not). Review score are for people who doesn't know the game, or the franchise and want to have an objective critic about the game before spend their precious money on it, and that is the problem i have with reviews objectivity.
When people start to complain about a review, the defenders of the reviewer, that appear as fast as the critics start to comment, and the reviewers themselves often take out the excuse that is "just an opinion". When somebody says that one game has a score and the other game have another score having the same problems, the other excuse is "diferent reviewers".
I have a problem with those excuses. REVIEWS ARE NOT "JUST OPINIONS", they most have some kind of objectivity, if not why is the value of it? what is the difference between a neighbor or a friend and a professional reviewer who is paid for doing that??. No people, reviews are not "just opinions" they must be objectives critics of a medium of entertaining, and of course have some kind of consistency between reviews and reviewers. When Tom Mc Shea gives a score is not Tom's review it's Game Spot review, when Richard George gives a score is not Richard's score it's IGN score.Review staff must have some kind of consistencies between each other in order to be more accurate and more objective.
I don't know what would be the solution: more than one reviewer per game?, editorial meeting? But in the end something must be done to reduce discrepancies in criteria so that the review score can bee most useful to the people who want to buy a game and is indecisive between two or more diferent games but only have money for one.
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