It was a dark and stormy late evening on the docks. A downpour of rain fell against the black background of the night sky as the dull glow from the moon pierced through the clouds. I adjusted myself and put an old scroll deeper into my tunic, to prevent it from getting wet. It was no ordinary scroll, I'd had it for over 15 years, given to me by my late father. I had nothing left but it, a young man with no means of making a living. The tailors had already taken in their apprentices and no blacksmiths held shop here.
Then, I saw it. A enormous ship, black as night, pulled into the dock. It was a withered ship, battered, but still standing strongly, skull and crossbones rippling through the wind. I stood stock still, completely spellbound by it's majesty. So much so, I did not notice to very Captain walking down the plank and striding towards me.
"A boy such' as ye'self should be more carefu'..." he said menacingly as he approached me.
"Hmm..?" I muttered indifferently, still pondering why course in life I should take now.
"Well, ye ain't startled easy!" he said, bursting into a laugh. "Why, what're ye' here for?" he asked as he looked closely at me. "Ye ain't no proper boy, or'else ye would be inside all warm and sots'.."
"I don't know what I should do.." I started, with half a mind to go off sailing with his crew.
He seemed to be ignoring me as I continued talking, and was looking at where my scroll was.
"Well, what've we here..." he said as he snatched the scroll from off me.
"Wha' the...?" I said in surprise as I saw him peruse it's contents. I wondered what he'd want with an old map.
"Well I'll be damned.." he said in surprise. "You know what you 'ave here?"
My heart raced as I wondered if it was valuable. "What?"
"Garbage!" he said before screaming into a laugh. "Hahaha, but if'n you've no where to go, look no father than my crew. We're hot on th' trial of a sacred rock, said to have magical jewels called 'Rett Row Geams' inside it. Worth a fortune."
"Gems? Rocks?" I asked in confusion.
"Aye, laddie. The rock is called the Pea Es Pea rock. The Rett Row Geams are said ta' be inside. You'll have to hack your way through the rock to get inside." he explained.
And with those words, I was thrown into a journey of many perils, many successes, and plenty of rum. Exactly four months later, we finally reached the island we were searching for, and the rock we sought. After hours of using pickaxes to weaken the rock, I took a swing at it.
"You almost got it, laddie!" said the Captain as he watched.
With one last thrust downward, I hacked Pea Es Pea rock and the gems spilled out.
"You did it! You hacked into the Pea Es Pea and got the Rett Row Geams!" shouted the pirate with a grin on his face. With that, our journey came to an end.
The End.
I tried to send you a subliminal message.