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The top three worst Gamespot members.

     Simply due to the very nature of this blog, this will probably come across as very controversial. If you happen to be 'friends' with these users, odds are you'll be offended. But since this is my blog, and a Gamespot buddy once told me it's a good place for blowing off steam, I'll take his advice. That being said, I'm going to stay very polite, simply because no one wants to stoop to their level.

     3. Bioshockrapter - I'm sure I'm misspelling the name, due to the fact I haven't seen hide or hair of him/her for well over a year and a half. The guy seemed pretty nice and all, a fan of Sony and Microsoft, but the gloves really came off when I wrote a blog stated how much I liked Nintendo. In the comments section, things started off nice enough, but he really stated to get venomous once I stated how I disliked series like Call of Duty for how unoriginal they were. Then he started the insults about how I was a mindless gamer because 'I would suck up to whatever Nintendo did', he told me how I was ruining the industry, etc. I decided to unfriend him and make it so that only my friends could comment on my blogs, and to retaliate to that he decided to start spamming my inbox with messages stated how I was a 'coward'. He earned his place at number three.

     2. Soniczero - This guy really pushes the envelope of the 'Rules of Being a Jerk'. I remember first meeting him at a Sonic Union years ago. As soon as I stated that I thought modern Sonic games stink, he blew his lid. I'm not sure if he has temper issues in real life, but for the rest of my time there he harassed me until I left, to the point of sending me death threats. 'I am this close to killing you', etc. Not to mention he always tries to post like he is some super macho tough guy. If anyone deserves to be number two, it's him!

     1. Cloud_765 - This guy is too much. Let's give a bit of a rundown on him. He calls himself an 'Otaku' (Which means a japanese nerd), he loves anime, etc. Not too bad, right? Wrong. He is arguably one of the most dislikeable Gamespoters users ever. From stating his opinions as fact, refusing to respect other's opinions, to flat out insulting and swearing at people for not liking video game series he likes, he is disliked by most. I remember being in mulitple Unions where the members would talk about how much they liked Cloud_765 not being in their Union. And he seems eternally angry, always ready to lash out at someone. Now some of you people may say:

'If you got to know him, he isn't so bad!


ShadowofSonic wrote:

Does Kingdom Hearts even count as a JRPG?

It's more button-mashing than anything else, right?

Cloud_765:  ''You really are ignorant as to what makes a game a JRPG. Is it Japanese? Is it a role-playing game (regardless of your highly opinionated view of said game)? Then it's a f***ing JRPG. End of discussion.''


     That's bull. Cloud_765 is like the school bully. If you stay on his good side, sure he won't bother you. But if you disagree with anything he may say, prepare to see the real him. People like him aren't your real friends. Just because he is tracking you, and you are tracking him, doesn't mean they'll be any sort of bond between you and him. He is definitely what I would call a fair-weather friend.

     Someday, I hope these mean and nasty users become nicer people, but until then, we can only wait.


     Thanks for reading.