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What did I do on vacation?

     Well, I'm back. I had a lot of fun plane hopping all over the place, even if I was silently freaking out inside because me and flying don't mix well. Whenever the plane quickly rose or fell I'd feel a little sick. At least I didn't puke. First stop was Atlanta, we had quite the layover! So we walked around town, but stayed near the airport. Who's we, you say? Me and my sister. Another flight took us to the Northwest Arkansas Airport where OO WHEE PIG SOOIE. Our grandparents had quite a nice place, spacious and, of course, right next to a huge golf course, where I learned I was terrible at golf.

     Our Grandfather is great, but has a few screws loose. He's hilarious though, so no one really minds. Every once in a while he'll randomly blurt out: "THERE IS NOTHING.... more elusive.... than the heart of an indifferent woman. -Teaspoon Hunter" Grampa's daughter lives nearby and she has three kids of her own! Two biological boys, and one adopted Ugandan girl who was about 10. Apparently her life who pretty rough in Uganda. However, she has fit in very well in America during her two years here. The two boys are 14 and 16 and are very funny and great to hang around.

     Here is a bullet list of things I did while there (I may forget some things):


  - Went to a Naturals baseball game, got great seats and free food.

  - After the baseball game, awe inspiring fire works lit up the sky for over three minutes, it felt like forever.

  - Went golfing and failed like a boss, even though I did my best.

  - Missed the new Metal Gear Solid V trailer, but silently shed a tear once I saw it.

  - Drove through a 'Drive Through Safari' where the truck we were in got bounced around by bison, rhinoceros, and camels.

  - Missed the Kingdom Hearts 3 reveal, a game I have been waiting for many years for.

  - Missed the Smash Bros 4 reveal....... WHOO MEGAMAN!

  - Learned how to swim. Who knew that throwing yourself in deep water your natural instincts would kick in and you'd learn how to swim?

  - Went fishing and failed like a boss.... again.

  - And stuff I can't think of right now.


     Writing blogs again feels good. I have a couple of heavy hitters to pen up soon. See you next time!