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One Word.....Apocalypse. Real? or Fake?

Hypnosis, other galaxys, the moon landing,etc the list goes on and on about things people are skeptical about. Science has proved that in Appx. 5 thousand (or billion i cannot remember) years (thats 5,000) the Andromeda Galaxy will collide with Earth destroying both galaxies in the process. Do I believe this? No. Now I could be wrong, but if my 8th grade astronomy studies serves me right, Galaxies dont move, move in a circle. Now maybe Andromeda's orbit comes into contact with the Milky Way Galaxy, but its highly unlikely. Here is are some examples of what may happen to humanity.

Zombie Virus Outbreak - ZVO

Resource Cut offs (Electric, water, heating, etc)

Sun Burnout

I apologise i could not find a good Sun Burnout pic.

Now id like some of you to give me your thoughts, opinions and stuff and if you dont believe in it tell me why. Thanks!

Oh an of course...The Rapture