Can PS4 even run open-world games at 1080p, 60 FPS? BF4 was at 900p, correct?
ShaineTheNerd's forum posts
@conkertheking1: Microsoft lowered the RROD failure rate to the level of PS3 with the Slim. They learned; the Xbox One shouldn't have any more problems than what the PS4 is having.
I'm planning on using Unity 3D after my current project on Game Maker, but I only know a little C# (which is what I plan to use over JavaScript and UnityScript). I know Python really well, and I know GML really well. I plan on going the book route with C#, but I don't know whether to buy a book based solely on C# or one that teaches C# and Unity together (
I feel like a straight C# book would teach me everything, but the one with Unity is trying to cram two subjects into one book; is this the case? Will I be missing out on anything by reading the C# and Unity book?
My personal thought is I want to learn all I can about C#, but I can YouTube some Unity tutorials, but if the double book teaches me as much as a straight C#, then I can just buy the double one.
(PS: This whole post is a confusing mess, so thanks for making it all the way through.)
I built my PC a while back, and my friend installed Windows 7 for me, free of charge. (*SPOILER ALERT*) Turns out it wasn't a "genuine copy" of Windows 7. So now, when I turn my PC on, I am reminded I am using a non-genuine version and that I should upgrade to a genuine version. Instead of going with 7, I want to install 8. How would I go about doing this? Do I buy an upgrade to 8, or do I buy OEM?
I'm looking for as silent a mouse money can buy (girlfriend keeps flipping out "it's 5 in the morning, blah blah"). Do any of you know of any good mice that will be worth buying?
I found two chests while playing Dota 2, but they require keys to open. I'd rather not pay 5 dollars to get a potential unused item, so will I eventually "find" a key for my chests?
@tormentos: And PS4 is stuck with OpenGL. Look up Jonathon Blow's last two weeks of tweets and look how fun Open is to program on.
Out of the 5 black people I regularly interacts with at work (2 male, 3 female), 5 of them say drop n-bombs very frequently. We work in the food area of a hospital. They say them loudly and without caution to small children.
One of my really good friends (black) uses it very frequently.
4 out of 4 of the black kids that rode on my school bus three years ago (middle school students, where my hs and its equivalent ms were connected) said the n word every day multiple times within the 10 minutes I was with them.
I am pretty sure every black rapper uses it in every song.
I hear it used in (non-Tyler Perry) movies with multiple black people very often.
Coming from someone who is not racist and has multiple friends who are black, black people tend to use the n word frequently. GTA did nothing wrong. Black actors, black characters. Nothing wrong with it, besides the fact that it is a degrading word, it is a word often used by black people.
Wtf is up with all the "GTAV Racist?" threads?
No, I don't think I'm better than some because of the color of their skin. I'm just better period because they aren't me.
Just kidding. Honestly, no. I used to make racist jokes and say racist things when I was around 13-17, but now I hate myself for being low enough to do something so stupid. There are many good people other than my race (Caucasian), and strictly judging someone on race is so very ignorant. There are plenty of white people I hate, and there are black, hispanic, Asian and middle-eastern people (technically Caucasian as well) I hate as well. Race only means something if you let it. Racism is such a waste of time, as is hate in general.
If you are racist, whatever. It's your life. Be who you are, but hating anyone beyond fanboys is just not for me.
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