Sad to see a man of his stature leave, but good for him. He's accomplished quite a bit for the industry and has a lot to be proud of. Hopefully his legacy won't be tarnished by giving Square-Enix reign over all the Eidos IPs.
@NTM23 Yeah, seriously. I don't recall Crytek doing a single damn thing on their own to gauge interest. They absolutely should've done a proper HD collection, something that would've been relatively cheap and resource-light. If not the UK studio, I'm sure there are plenty of others who would've been more than willing to take a crack at it.
Thankfully there are others who care that are picking up the slack. Can't wait for this Rewind project!
Fucking finally. I've played probably close to 100 hours of BF3 and still have no clue how to pilot a chopper. Hell, I just barely have the basics of flying a jet down.
The downside is there will be far fewer laugh-out-loud moments of people who can't fly trying to take off and crashing immediately. I love that shit.
I will never blame Gearbox for DNF, but there simply is no excuse for A:CM. No matter who explicitly developed it, Gearbox was responsible for it and they completely botched it. BUT...the hate for them is getting fucking old. Everything else they've done ranges from good to great, and they are clearly, overall, an exceptional developer. Pitchford has genuine enthusiasm and passion for games that few people in his position contain, and that's refreshing in this industry. They're far from a perfect company and have made some obviously questionable moves, but to completely condemn them for one admittedly big **** up, when the rest of their track record is pretty solid, is just silly.
Truth be told, I'm not that upset about A:CM anymore. I'm more upset about them completely ignoring the fact that Borderlands 2 is a massively frustrating and unrewarding experience, especially as a single player game. Kinda makes me worried that BL3 will be the same way since they are choosing not to do anything about it.
As long as it's awesome, then that's fine.I'm actually glad it's delayed. I'm very much interested in playing it, but there is more than enough for the rest of the year to keep me occupied. There are already at least 4 new console launch titles I'm interested in.
Shakezulah's comments