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Video Game Voters Netowrk.

Hey, I would like if you guys check out this website(the link is at the end of the blog) its called Video Game Voters Networkand send it to your gamer buddies. This is what the website is about:

"The Video Game Voters Network is a place for American gamers to organize and defend against threats to video games by registering to vote and letting Congress know how important this issue is to the community. Without a critical mass of adult video game players who are registered to vote and willing to stand firmly behind their games, politicians will continue to fire criticism at games and game players in order to score easy points for their political campaigns.

Video games are fully protected speech under the Constitution, and receive the same First Amendment protection as books, movies, music and cable television programs. The Network opposes efforts to regulate the content of entertainment media, including proposals to criminalize the sale of certain games to minors, or regulate video games differently from movies, music, books, and other media. The Network also enables gamers to stay educated about issues, reach out to federal, state, and local officials, and register to vote. The Video Game Voters Network is a project sponsored by the Entertainment Software Association, a trade group representing America's video game publishers."(From the website)

Here is the link-

Please just take a look at it. I am not forcing you to join just look.


Is it risky? Yes, and I love risks.

Whats the risk? I pre-ordered Alan Wake limted collectors edition. I have been waiting for the game for 5 years and if the game gets bad reviews I am still going to play it. I know crazy righ? And well I was at Gamestop I found Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem and I heard from some people that it messes(?) with your mind so I picked it up along with a gamecube controller. That's about it.

How are you guys doing?

Decisions, Decisions.

So I have been playing alot of single-player games but all of a sudden I really want to play some online game. Now I was planning on getting MAG but I played it at a friends house and was thankfulI did not pick it up. Well its not like MAG was terrible but it was disappointing all around and I really do not want to spend 60$ on it. So I have been looking and I am not really sure what to get. I know I want something that will last for awhile and have a constant stream of matches and players. So does anyone have any good ideas on what multiplayer gameto play? So just shout out some games and I will go from there.


"Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction..."

but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?"
I have not been on in awhile. But same might say "Dude I dun just sawr you respond to me blog comments section...thing" Well, maybe not like that. Yes, I have been offline for a few weeks only getting on to get updates and respond to blogs. "What have I been doing?" You ask. Mostly school. It is not so bad just Chemisty is a real killer. But other then school I have been hanging out with friends and doing stuff. A few weeks ago (More like5 weeks ago) it was Christmas. I want to wish everyone a very late Christmas and a not so late New Year. Good that's done with. I have been playing Borderlands which I got for Christmas. Along with Resistance 2 which is meh, its all right I guess I was expecting alot more but its all right. Dragon Age has been keeping me busy its ALOT of fun I recommend everyone who loves RPGs to go buy it. There is also this Wii game that I got called Dawn of Discovery. Its a awesome city building game. When I first played it I was in debt just about the whole time but after awhile I got the hang of everything and really enjoy it. I just wish it had online and it would be even better.

Dawn of Discovery

That's about it. I will leave you know with some qoutes from my favourite game and movie.

"Great, power's out, and a girl's trapped. I swear to God, if there's a Zombie around the next corner..."--Nathan Drake (Uncharted 2: Among Theives.)

Han Solo: [sounding official] Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal.
Voice: What happened?
Han Solo: [getting nervous] Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?
Voice: We're sending a squad up.
Han Solo: Uh, uh... negative, negative. We had a reactor leak here now. Give us a few minutes to lock it down. Large leak, very dangerous.
Voice: Who is this? What's your operating number?
Han Solo: Uh...
[Han shoots the intercom]
Han Solo: [muttering] Boring conversation, anyway.