@Shame-usBlackley: lol i came here to gloat but you have already gloated enough for the both of us.
I think this is a step in the right direction though. Yeah, they fucked up, but they did 180 on nearly everything last year and now they've done a 180 on Kinect and XBL Gold. It's may not be enough to win the generation, but little things like offering XBL Gold refunds to those who bought it just for Netflix and other apps go a long way towards repairing the brand. If you read GAF and other gaming sites, they've already started to come around. All that's left for MS to do is have a strong outing at E3 and all will be forgotten. Just like it was with Sony last gen.
As for the analysts. The same firm, IDC, predicted this last gen. lol
I still don't think it's fair for people to conflate Sony's PS3 and Microsoft's intentions with the Xbone.
Sony made a terrible mistake and recovered from it somewhat, but only when one disregards how far they fell from the PS2. That's what Areez fails to realize -- brand damage can be tough to wash away. Sony mitigated some of the damage with the PS3, but when you compare how far they fell from the PS2, it was a bad fall for the brand.
What Microsoft did with the Xbone was not just a colossal mistake, it was a fist, intended to be rammed up the ass of the gaming community, forcing them to bend to Microsoft's will. The public told them not to do this, but they did anyway, making a myriad of other mistakes on top of the first. And then their attitude was "**** off if you don't like it." And now they're in trouble and all of a sudden, they're "listening."
Sony made a dumb move, Microsoft tried to kill video gaming as we know it. If some people are willing to let a hundred dollars make them forget that, then they deserve what they get. I don't care if they give the fucking thing away at $5 car washes, I wouldn't buy one. It was a device born of ill-intentions and bad ideas. Now it's a less powerful, slightly cheaper, slightly less-offensive collection of bad ideas.
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