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My Top 10 Games...EVER!!!! :x

These are only the top ten games that I have beat 1 or more times and have done every possiblemission/event possible fore human beings (and some known to Narwhals)so no bias Yay! :D

#10probably my favorite 3d fighter yosh, I played this game for months non stop just trying to perfect King's moves. If only I could play it online I would rank this in my top 3...*sigh

#9 WOOT for lawyer games! altough not high on action it is still very enjoyable (this is from a guy who likes mostly violent game :P) I was in love with the game since the first time I played the first case. There definetly needs to be more games that break the mold like Phoenix wright

#8 phoenix flower jutsu!!! :x I don't think I need to explain myself here, this game is just plain frickin awesome!!!!

#7 the only shotter you'll see here... Nintendo has done it again, this game just f-ing rox, I never was a fan of shooters but this game is probably the only one I'll ever truly enjoy so it holds a place in my heart

#6 GO ROY FANS!!!! :x the only game other than Metroid and Zelda that I own on my gamecube, it's also one of my faves because of the sheer amount of fun this game delivers. It may not be realistic and as complex as other fighting games but SSBM is probably one of the best

#5 Swords, swords and more swords :P a unique game considering that most fighting games you use punches and kicks but Soul Calibur makes up for it's weirdness by being hard core! This game got me hooked to sword/fighting games. It's basicly the same ****as Tekken except that you attack virticaly and horizontaly instead of moving each of your limbs individualy. (Cervates is Best end of story)

*I couldn't find a decent pic sorry :( *

#4 FFXII is so better than X :roll: finaly a FF I can enjoy without the monotonous turns! though I do miss them somewhat. Most people criticize the game for being to diffrent from the previous instalments, but I think they're taking a step in the right direction. And also I placed it high because I dosen't have a sickening love story, YAY!!!!

#3 WOOT Bleach! I really like this game not only because I play nearly every day since I got but because it's soo good! I can't wait for the sequel that has 15 more characters! :x

#2 "I am Jade, the Necromancer!!!" another great game, not only do I love it because it's low bidget and yet awesome but because the story is better than most of the animes I've seen. About what I expected from the amazing team that did Tales of Symphonia

#1 TADA IT'S.... FINAL FANTASY 4!!!!!! my favorite game of all time, not only because it's the first game I ever played but because the characters are so amazing. I have every single version of the game available. I loves it!!!!

and that's it, the end! go away I need to go play Final fantasy 4! :x yosh