So I'm sitting here and drinking some green tea, trying to make sense of Omar's rather obvious-yet-obscure poem. I wonder, has my senses dulled? Seems like my intelligence has gone down some these past few years.
Anyhoo, it's been a while since I posted anything here, so I thought I'd update.
Don't know what to really talk about though. Oh, yes, the new iPod nanos. I absolutely LOVE them. Indeed, they are the mini reincarnate in nano format, hoorah! Really. It's just so awesome; it's more like the mini being rereleased in a slimmed down format than a 2G nano. So I'm very happy about that.
Lesse here. Oh right, I've decided to participate in NaNoWriMo for my Personal Project. It seems very interesting, and a fun topic to boot. I've been doing some research on what I want to actually write about, and ended up with something regarding "people" who live forever (not gonna be as boring as it sounds) called eidolons. The term which (found while reasearching about synonymous words for the generic term "spirits") actually led to my discovery of Harlan Ellison's Angry Candy. I only borrowed it to see what the short story Eidolons was like, which was very "experimental" and abstract, and perhaps hard to understand. Nothing at all alike to what I'll be writing.
But I figure I'll be finishing up Angry Candy as I heard it was a good book.
That's about it for now. Gotta do stupid homework.
Next post'll probably be about Avatar: The Last Airbender. ZOMGWTFBBQ, an anime/East-influenced American Nickelodeon kid-cartoon?! Yeah.
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