Note: CC of what I posted at the DS board on 4/23
Wowzers, what a good offer, too good to be true?
I thought so too. I only ever saw this posted once at the Diamond board a few days back, and not many replies at that, so I figured it was super-restricted or false. Apparently, this week's Circuit City had the new Pokemon games listed for $27.99, but ad was from the Northeast. I live in the Southeast.
I checked out CC's online weekly ad and nothing of the sort was there, and Google came up with nothing. I kinda relegated it to the back of my mind then. But today as I was picking up my pre-ordered copy of Diamond (I got the stylus, yay) at EB Games (they had lots of styluses and I had no trouble getting mine and the 30+ people there, the only problem one might have had is a pre-order cut-off date for receiving the stylus, which was 4/7 or 4/8 I think...), I remembered the deal. As a Circuit City was less than a minute away, I decided what the hell and went, leaving my Diamond shrink-wrapped and untouched. That was hard. >_>;;
Holy crap, it was true! They even have a giant poster near the games section proclaiming "Reg. $34.99, Sale Price $27.99!" The deal is valid 4/22/07 to 4/28/07. If you can't find a copy at Circuit City, price match at Wal-Mart or Best Buy.
I immediately bought the last copy of Diamond they had left, took that copy (it was in "worse" shape than the one I got at EB Games, but still shrink-wrapped) back to EB Games for a full refund, and kept the bonus stylus.
Saved $8, whoop-dee-doo-da!
XD So for those late buyers, hope this is a good news for you.
And as for price matching, I think some stores even let you do it post-purchase, so be sure to check! And apparently, Fry's has for $26.99, a buck cheaper than CC!