Don't see a problem with having a service you pay for taken away? Don't see a problem that the game developers clearly don't actually think? Don't see a problem in that, if they enabled chat, it would not negatively affect the ambiance at all yet they decided to disable it just to be dickholes to the people who do care? Bro you need to see a problem. "Justice will only be achieved when those who are not affected by injustice feel as indignant as those who are."
In what way is it a plus? If YOU don't use party chat, then don't, but other people do, and they pay to use it so taking it away is **** up and serves no purpose. The game wants this hardcore ambiance, but seriously if someone wants that ambiance they can leave the chat. Forcing no chat down our throats is just a dick hole move that will lose them A LOT of customers.
Seriously though, that's stupid, customers are always right. ALWAYS. and it makes no difference if the chat is enabled because if you dont wanna be in a chat, then don't. But if you choose to be in a chat, you should be able to be in one. Period. There is no good reason to take away a service that XbL customers are paying for.
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