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My name is Shaye and I am... Content (And very tired)

So to be honest, in the last 3 days I've slept maybe a total of 6 hours. I keep nodding off now and again but in the end I wake up to watch some more videos, read more articles, or dive into some games that I've been trying to complete.

Now for the most part, E3 has been a rather enjoyable experience this year. I'm a little dissapointed though at how it's being run. I remember the last E3 and the earlier renditions. They were fun and it was just a wild party. The main difference that I'm noticing is that people aren't getting as excited about the games as they once did. Maybe it's because of the lack of a crowd but it's what made me get excited about the games.

I watched all of the conferences live and my expectations were quenched, though they weren't very thirsty to begin with. I wasn't expecting much from Nintendo and I had seen many of the changes that Sony brought out from a few blocks away. Microsoft is the company that really blew me off my feet this year. I think it was partially because they had gone first so they had most of the multiplatform games displayed 12 hours before Sony had thiers, but that suspicion has been brought to rest thinking back upon how the games were presented at the Sony conference. They just seemed to fly by before we had much of a chance to indulge in them. Microsoft just had the whole package that I was looking for.

Microsoft tossed out a lot of important thing this year and the main concept that surprised the hell out of me was the Disney itteration into thier HD download service. One of the traits that Blu-Ray boasted about was it's exclusive supporters. Disney was one of the ones that would obviously give HD-DVD a run for it's money. But it seems as though Disney's being a little more open minded.

As for the Killzone 2 trailer, it was very mundane to me. Environmental eye candy, a ton of excellent character animations and facial movements, and I'm almost certain the sound is good. (They pumped it up a little too much so it was just a few footsteps amid a couple of booming explosions of fuzz that almost blew my speakers.) When it all comes down to it, I'm not certain thsi game's going to have enough elaboration to make it more than just another pretty first person shooter game. We've received no feedback on the actual gameplay except from what we've seen and I'd like to be reassured with a little bit of the story concept. Until then, it's just like it was in E3 2005. Which brings me to another point. It didn't look like to demo they'd shown us before... This was a very big dissapointment. I'm tired of shortfallen promises.

Hating on Killzone 2 aside. Metal Gear Solid 4 and Haze both look like excellent games. Moreso on the Metal Gear Solid side of things. I actually might go out and buy a PS3 when Haze comes out.

I'll have more later in the week. Maybe I'll get some sleep too!