If you are in to strategy games its as addictive as crack. Truly brilliantly obsessive. Be warned tho, it has taken over my life. You should get the sword of islam dlc too to allow u to play as muslim nations.
Shazaaman's forum posts
If you are in to strategy games its as addictive as crack. Truly brilliantly obsessive. Be warned tho, it has taken over my life. You should get the sword of islam dlc too to allow u to play as muslim nations.
I absolutely adored the game. One of my favorite underrated games ever. That and Enslaved. The one game I truly wish i hadnt traded it in.
I also would give it a 9-9.5.
Why does everyone think he is native american? He has a tomahawk and a bow but I doubt he is not of european stock. He could be like Daniel Day-Lewis in Last of the Mohicans I suppose.
You have posted 2350 times on gamespot forums. Are all of your posts as ridiculously pathetic as this?
You must be really cool and popular!!!
Ya I contacted wbgames about it. I believe they are the ones who are meant to sort it out.
The y still have not replaced my redeem code but they are aware of this issue and will get around to fixing the problem.
I opened my brand new Batman Arkham city game that was plastic wrapped and had the xobx seal unbroken on it only to find no redeem code inside. All that was inside was an incredibly thin, glossy sheet with Batman on it in the place of a manual, and little to no detail inisde.
Has anyone heard of missing redeem codes from new editions of the game? I also don't have the receipt as it was a xmas present and has been lost.
Any tips on who I should contact?
Run now. Go. Get it. It is simply brilliant. It is in the top 3 games I have played all year. And this was the year in which I played The Orange Box, Red dead Redemption, Fallout New Vegas, Civ IV and quite a few other classics.
The best 2.49 I have ever spent I would say. Totally immersive and addictive.
I was just wondering can the original FarCry bought from Steam play on Windows 7?
It says in system requirements that supported os is 2000/xp only. Just wondering if that means it wont play on 7?
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