Well, more or less. I borrowed on of Grandad's guitars so I can learn how to play, and slowly, it's all coming together. But I'm still, obviously, a major amature. Maybe if I get good enough, UFO (that's me Uncle's nickname) will let me use one of his electric guitars...all I got now is a six string acoustic (pardon my spelling). Grandad also has a twelve string, I tried playing that over at Gramma's, and it sounded great. The one that I have isn't even in tune, so that's gonna be my first chore.
Anyway, haven't played Halo, Jak, Ratchet or Destroy All Human's today, been busy doing this voulanteer crap for band. On the upside, I might get a job out of it. Band Teach asked me if I was up-beggin for a job, and I said yes. He didn't say anything else on the subject, but my hopes are high.
What else can I blabber on about. Oh, I have to go clean my room today. Yay. But even I have to admit, it's getting pretty bad. So I'm gonna go blast some Kazzar, a little bit of Switchfoot, and off we go. I'll bring in the snow shovel from outside.