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Joining Gamespot Forums

I decided to join Gamespot's forums today. The depth of conversation on some other gaming forums amounts to 'this thread fails'. Whereas, over the years, I have notaced some very deep threads here, when randomly Googling about gaming. A bit of background about myself (as a gamer): I started off as a PC gamer, back in the days of DOS and Early Windows. Most of my experience with games was therefore with PC games. I played a hell of a lot of PC stuff right up to the 2000s. I also had a Gameboy, which was my first experience with console gaming right up until when I got my Megadrive, quite late in its lifecycle. I skipped the PS1/N64/Saturn gen entirely, to my regret (tight parents), so was busy playing Half Life, AvP and Deus Ex while people with consoles played Final Fantasy VII, Resident Evil, GoldenEye, Ocarina of Time, etc. My next console was the awesome Dreamcast. People took the piss back then, but now it is rightly seen as a classic. I got a PS2 late in its lifecycle, to play classics. And this gen, I have a 360, and I don't mind saying I think it is the better console this gen, despite its flaws. In recent years, it seems to me that there are fewer good releases for the PC (developers all going into MMOs). So, I am now primarily a console gamer, and haven't even bothered to buy a new rig for things like Crysis. Also, these days, I am a bit sick of the old plot-driven games, and look for more character-driven ones, playing way more RPGs. Final Fantasy and Megami Tensei are my favorite from the east - anything by BioWare is my favorite from the west (Mass Effect was just... amazing).