Every year there is the big Christmas this, big Christmas that...
In gaming, It's a competition to see who will be the big console of choice for Christmas shoppers...
In 2006, I played Buzz on a Playstation 2, and had a hell of a good time.
In 2007, I have six different choices for what to do over Christmas, and this time I have the money to make sure it works out...
Here's my analysis of how things are going in the run up to Christmas, and what my opinions on them are.
Not really a contender any more. Nintendo have pretty much withdrawn support for it now, and more and more games are rendering that big hunk of plastic in the bottom of your NDS a permanent fixture.
I'd say, for the GBA being the Christmas baby for anyone is unlikely, and I'd upgrade to a NDS right now if you can...
I've sold off most of my Gameboy Advance games, only keeping those with some connectivity to the NDS, but those are getting scarce...
Last year's big winner, it looks like it might have another rosy future ahead of it. Games are coming out almost daily somewhere, and it's joined the big boys this year with a Smackdown Vs. RAW conversion, which renders the PSP's chance of beating the NDS on that front obsolete.
What I'd like to see are more japanese games coming out in Europe, especially if recent anime licensing deals come through fine...
However, Yes, I do have a NDS for Christmas, but I've already bought it...
Oh, How once we coveted owning one...
Then I discovered how shoddy you really were... Two PSPs sold, both due to tacky build quality in some of the components. First one, The screen broke down, Second one, The discs were rendered unable to even be sold on by shoddy casings.
Considering you are the one thing which could save Sony from virtually bankrupting themselves over the debacle going on with the PS3, What went wrong?
I will not be hoping for third time lucky...
XBOX 360
Now for the real meat of the article.
The XBox 360 has the AAAAA title Halo 3 under it's belt, guaranteed connectivity to Vista and a slew of features which make it incredibly desirable...
However, I won't be buying it until sometime in 2008... and it's not it's fault.
If Microsoft worked out why I am still using XP, and will still be using XP long into 2008, I'd buy Vista on the spot when they worked it out.
Basically, Great console... but I don't want a Vista custom box... I want a games machine.
I'll make it simple and quick... £350-400
Yes, It's sexy, It's the most powerful machine going, and it's got a slew of features that are very good, including some very very exclusive games.
However, It's backwards compatibility is even more patchy than the X-Box, and they are working day and night to fix them. Recent PS3s, due to removing one chipset, have become as bad as PCs for emulating the PS2... and they're using official firmware and hardware specifications, including parts no-one knows about, AND It costs a bomb.
If I wanted a Playstation console, I'd buy a cheap PS2 and get KOF for it.
Shame I don't want one.
Never liked the name, still make dirty jokes about it, but it's still the party machine for Christmas 2007 for me.
NiGHTS returning, Real genuine party games, backwards compatibility that is seamless, it has a embarrassing, for every other company, sideline in legalized emulation of superceded consoles, and even my young sister, who often looks at games controllers in confusion, will be able to join in.
The Wii has everything going for it the other consoles want to.
That's my opinion...
Yes, it's a bit biased, but it's very true.
The GBA... No longer supported by it's own makers.
The NDS... Beat the PSP over a year ago.
The PSP... Killed itself when Nintendo found it's weak spots.
The X360... Might work out... but not for me.
The PS3... Give me a thousand bucks, and I'll buy one... Till then, I'll make do.
The Wii... It's the machine that a lot of people will play over Christmas, since it has the capability to support a party... without people spending a hour setting it up.
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