XsA AxxesS - My new XBL gamertag. Why? Well, I guess all the time I've put into Gears of War has paid off, because for about a month this clan has asked me to join their ranks. I didn't want to, since I have such a longrunning connection with the ShenlongBo monicker, but they're cool guys and I caved in. As a bonus, after I get done beasting through people in an online ranked match, I can say "all AxxesS, baby!" What?
ReviewSpotting is now "this many" - Anyone who knows me doesn't need to hear what ReviewSpotting and the Community Contributions have meant to me, so there's little need to embellish. The only important things to say here are that I'm proud of the CCU members, contributors, and staff who've made it a success, and all I'd ask is not to be forgotten. Gee guys, it was one thing to pull my staff position, but am I really not even in the honored ranks anymore? The holiday issue actually points out that I was the first honored member of the union. Not only that, but it was because of my accomplishments that the whole honored status came about to begin with. Wow. Uh. . . you're welcome. For everything. Anyway, here's to another great year.
Achievement points - There are two kinds. One of them you know all about, the other probably not so much. It's time for me to start studying to make my next rank. Ugh. . . it's going to be long, and it's going to be boring (just how many inches may the end of my belt protrude the buckle? And to which side?), but mostly, it's going to be worth it. So wish me luck. And if you see me on XBL grinding the Gears far too often, don't hesitate to come in and chastise me.
Very merry, indeed - Or maybe not. Holidays can be emotionally tricky. So, even though I feel pretty good right now, there's no telling how the next few days will pan out. Wish I could say more, but this isn't the time or place. Austin, you know what's up. Have a good one, buddy (and that goes for the rest of you as well), and hopefully I'll do the same. I'll tell you in a few days when I come back.